Known for his handmade needle felt doll Green Cow Garden (2013) series, Kohei Ogawa is a versatile artist who brings his endearing characters and their world to his paintings, drawings and sculptures. His works often feature anthropomorphised animals and monster-like creatures.
Ogawa observes the beautiful elements in everyday life and takes inspiration from the seemingly mundane. When he created the popular Green Cow Garden series in 2013, he chose needle-felted wool as the primary creative material because the palm-sized works allowed people to feel warm when they held it in their hands. In 2015, he began to work with How2work and launched the Naughty Boy series. Like his preferred material, Ogawa’s works bring the audience a sense of warmth and treacly sentiment.
Born in 1975, Ogawa graduated from the Asagaya College of Art, Tokyo, in 1997. After graduating, he worked as a freelance illustrator to create illustrations for advertising companies, publishers and TV programmes. He is best known to art and toy collectors for his BG Bear character.