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Hong Kong | B.1966

Painter, illustrator and graphic designer, Prodip is one of the most versatile artists in Hong Kong. His experimental works span across mediums, cultures and philosophies, creating compelling visual imagery that is populated by mythical monsters, aliens and spiritual beings. Using line art drawing methods, Prodip depicts aliens and ancient civilisations through his eyes.

Prodip’s artistic oeuvre is influenced by street culture and indie music, especially British rock bands such as Bauhaus and The Sisters of Mercy. His works are a marriage of the rebellious spirit and dark humour, using supernatural creatures to reflect on human lives and philosophies.

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Prodip has been a critical figure in the Hong Kong underground arts since the 1980s. Before being involved in art and music, he studied in the Design First Institute of Art and worked as a graphic designer in an advertising agency and fashion company. Prodip started his visual art career in designing underground concert posters, flyers and CD covers, later working with international and local pop and indie musicians.
